Businesses Are Closed Because Of Fear, Not Corona.

Businesses Are Closed Because Of Fear, Not Corona.

Economic Fact: Last year, the corona virus pandemic led to lock down not only in India but all over the world. Almost all industries came to a standstill. Many feared huge economic losses, the country’s economy would collapse, but considering the country’s real economic situation, the economic situation in the country’s corporate industry has not deteriorated in the Corona period considering GST and other tax collections across the country. The rate of tax collection has boosted the finances of many industries and companies in the region. This means that the country’s industries have not stopped or slowed down, disproving all the predictions made during the Corona period. More businesses shut down because of fear of corona than the actual consequences of anything.


The Story Of A Criminal: Once upon a time in America, a criminal was sentenced to death. So, the psychiatrists there thought, let’s do an experiment on this prisoner. They told the prisoner that you would be bitten by a poisonous snake instead of being hanged. On the day of the execution, a venomous snake was brought before the prisoner. The prisoner was blindfolded and placed in a chair. Instead of a snake bite he was stabbed with a safety pin. Surprisingly, the prisoner died in just two seconds. His post-mortem report found toxic elements in his body. Everyone was shocked. How did the poison get into that prisoner’s body? And how did he die? Further research revealed that the toxin had formed in his body due to extreme mental fear. This means that according to our state of mind, our body produces positive or negative energy. 90% of diseases are caused by our negative thoughts. The monster of negative thoughts in man is the cause of his destruction.


Leave The Worry Of Corona Behind: I have the same opinion about Corona. The greater the harm than the actual side effects of the corona are due to the frequent negative thoughts about the corona. We spent last year in Corona pandemic lock down with the fear of corona virus. This fear has led to the closure of many businesses. But those who took care of themselves, the employees, and obeyed the administrative rules continued to earn profit in business during the Corona period. There is a limit to how much you can think of or feel about something. So instead of chanting “Corona, corona!” think of the industry, learn how to grow the business, read, leave the corona discussion aside and discuss the business. Positive thinking doubles confidence and keeps the body healthy.


Don’t Worry, Focus On Work: Focus on work, not worry, even if the corona is still staying in society today. Set goals for what you want to do in the future. Keep up the good content. Only those who continue their business in this situation have a bright opportunity ahead, only they will succeed in the future. If you still have fear in your mind, you and your business will be like a prisoner from that story and like he died, your business will close. Anxiety lowers confidence, negative thoughts overpower. So stop worrying, have a positive attitude and keep doing your job.

“Overthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is.”


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