Press Release Distribution for Small Businesses to Grow Exponentially

Press Release Distribution for Small Businesses to Grow Exponentially

As you can imagine, the art of Press Release distribution has evolved since its inception (that was decades ago). Essentially, press releases are still distributed to the press and media. However, the process has become so much more than releasing a news copy through the newswire. These days, a press release can be distributed on the internet and can even be published as is, without the help of any journalist. Additionally, a press release can serve more than one purpose. Yes, it can still expose your brand through newspapers, television shows, or the radio. But now, it can also be published online using different platforms including social media.

These new developments have only managed to make press release distribution as a handy business marketing tool. And for a small business that sorely needs more exposure and broader reach, a press release distribution is even more essential.


How do you write a press release for small businesses?

At its core, the press release format hasn’t changed much at all. It should still be written in a concise, straightforward and practical way. Here is a guide on how to write the perfect press release for your small business.


Part 1. The Headline

For being such a small part of your press release, the headline is probably one of the most critical aspects of your news copy. So, it should go to say that your headline needs to be attention-grabbing.

Formatting tip: A press release headline distributed to the newswire is usually 100-125 characters long. However, if you’re planning to publish your press release online, and you want it to get indexed on Google searches, your headline should run between 65 to 80 characters. Also ensure that your headline is written in bold letters, with the subheading italicized.


Part 2. The Body

When writing the body of your press release, the number one thing to keep in mind is to keep it as concise as possible. But how do you make something short while trying to share all the information at the same time? Use the inverted pyramid format. Look below:

A short headline in a clear language that tells what the story is about.

Paragraph 1: Contains concise information about the entire story in two sentences at most.

Paragraph 2: This is where you should put context in your story and explain why it is relevant to your audience.

Paragraph 3: Additional details that support your story – where the event took place and how it came about.

Paragraph 4: Relevant quote from a critical or respected member of your industry.

Paragraph 5: This is where you should include your Call-To-Action, points people where to get more information, where to buy your product or how to get involved.

Part 3. About Us Section or the Boiler Plate

You’ll be surprised by the number of people who have overlooked this section. The boilerplate is also an essential aspect of a press release you should never forget. If you want people to know more about your business, or even give them directions to contact you, a boilerplate should be written at the bottom of your press release. This is where you add your business address, contact information, and a link to your website.


Do you need help?

Do you also a want to publish Press Release for your business? Do you need our help? You too can take a step forward.


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