Why Should You Invest in Writing Content for Google or Social Media?

Why Should You Invest in Writing Content for Google or Social Media?

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For some time now, marketing experts have debated whether to invest in content writing for Google or social media. Most companies hire SEO agencies to expand their business through content marketing without realizing the potential of social media. On the other hand, some businesses rely solely on social media to grow their audience without utilizing SEO.

But in terms of purchasing intent, Hubspot reports that 71% of people rely on social media recommendations before making a purchase. At the same time, 61% of people use search engines to research a product before purchasing. This data makes it difficult to make a decision. So let’s break it down and analyze both strategies to know which one offers a better advantage.


  • Targeting Your Specific Audience

Investing in content writing for social media and Google can both be useful if you have a specific audience in mind. That’s how you can acquire relevant sales, traffic, and engagement. And it’s easier to find your target audience on social media than using Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The reason is quite simple: every social media platform comes with its built-in target audience. You can use that as a guide to search for the right audience for your products or services. However, when you invest in content writing for Google, that is, organic SEO, you target people based on the conversations they plan to have. And not necessarily the platforms they’re already using. In other words, organic SEO focuses on in-depth research and extensive understanding of keywords people search for on search engines.


  • The Efforts Required

Social media marketing requires a commitment to both creating quality content and constant posting. It also needs adequate planning and social media management tools such as Buffer to schedule postings with ease. The tools allow you to create posts, schedule, and monitor them. However, as you may know, the lifespan of a social media post is short. And that’s why it’s necessary to post on consistent bases and be responsive to comments as much as possible.

  • Type of Content

Content is highly relevant in both social media marketing and organic SEO (content writing for Google). There has been a debate on the type of content suitable for organic SEO and social media. According to Hubspot, long-form content performs better for SEO. There are no minimum length requirements for blog posts officially. However, Yoast suggests 300 words, at least. That said, according to Hubspot research data, writing longer content should be the rule, not the exception.

So social media marketing and organic SEO rely on totally different content types. However, they both depend on each other to provide the maximum impact. For example, an infographic posted on Facebook may link to its long-form content on a site. And that can increase traffic to the website. You should focus on driving more traffic to your web content through your social media platforms. And optimize them for search engines.


  • Urgent Products and Services

Does your business provide products and services that are in urgent need? Most times, people search on Google to find a product or service they immediately need. For example, when your air conditioner stops working, you search on Google for a repair service, right? If you are a company that provides emergency services, you should prioritize ranking on Google for keywords related to your business. Ideally, if you’re able to rank on the top three results, you’ll get enough clicks. Through that, you’ll get high search traffic to your site, which will result in better sales.

So you don’t need to invest money on social media advertising when your consumers are searching for your services on Google.


  • Content Writing for Google or Social Media: Which is Better?

Should you invest in content writing for Google or social media? The truth is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. That’s why it’s essential to ask these vital questions:

  1. Can I identify my niche?
  2. What opportunities lie within my niche?
  3. What does my target audience need?
  • Conclusion

Investing in writing content for Google and social media are two highly relevant areas you need to consider. Both areas can help you get your business to another level. The best approach to organic SEO and social media is to utilize both of them.

Search engines have begun ranking for engagement. Due to that, you need social media marketing to assist in your SEO efforts. However, you also need to work on increasing organic traffic to your website. As more people come to your site, the more they engage on your social media platforms.


So, it’s better to invest in writing content for both Google and social media.


  • Do you need help?

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