How SEO Can Prove A Cost-Effective Marketing Method For Small Business

Small business and niche market: When a small business has a product or service but its market is a niche, such as metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, etc.; they can’t afford its marketing cost. If you want to market your business and products/services in such locations, you must have a large amount of marketing and advertising budget. Harnessing your niche market can help you refine your advertising and brand strategy since you can develop a message that truly resonates with a smaller, more focused audience.   You have to use platforms like social media, magazines, hoardings, PPC advertising, and many others, to do effective marketing, you have to put in a lot of money. But not every small business has that kind of marketing budget. If your target audience is too large or vague, how can you expect to use a limited marketing budget to stand out from your competition?

  • A niche market is a segment of a broader market with its own needs and preferences.
  • Finding a niche market requires researching consumers’ preferences, competitors, and potential market changes.
  • Niche markets can be defined based on values, hobbies, location, or quality.


Directional and Promotional advertising: Advertising is comprised of two primary media functions; Promotional and Directional. Promotional Media is proactive advertising that reaches out to target markets with motivational messages. Directional Media is reactive, initiated by consumers shopping for those advertised products and services and looking for the best price and a place to buy.  As in all Directional Media, the shoppers know what they are looking for, and the proper product nomenclature. They directly buy your products/services. Directional Media is a resource that directs potential buyers to a product/service source for information and where to purchase. Your possible customer can’t buy your products/services if they don’t know your products/services exist. So, you must reach the potential buyer with Promotional Advertising. Promotional Media is any combination of print, broadcast, outdoor, online and special events advertising that reaches target audiences to attract their attention, promote features and benefits, and motivate prospective buyers to respond. Their responses may be to further inquire about the features, the prices, or to take advantage of a special advertised promotional or discount offer. Today, it is all about the Internet. A Google search can locate a vast array of products and services, locally and internationally. Promotional Advertising attracts the market to the product or service through advertising, and Directional advertising lets them know where to buy it. Both types of marketing play an important role in the customer buying cycle, but each must be used properly for optimal success. To assure an effective marketing strategy a comprehensive Marketing Analysis by an experienced Marketing Consultant is recommended.


How SEO Helps: Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a fundamental part of running a business – and in particular, a small business. SEO has many benefits that small businesses can benefit from. SEO can help your business succeed and grow online. SEO is a directional marketing tool. You don’t have to pay any third-party medium. In SEO you optimize your website using the keyword related to your products/services. Your business can reach beyond a geographical limit. People from all around the world can see and buy your products online. We have seen numerous brands build a business off the back of organic traffic. SEO can play a pivotal role in your overall revenue and business growth. But still, many small business owners fail to see the value in investing in digital marketing, and specifically in their SEO efforts. Whatever your marketing budget or business plans, you should have an eye on your SEO activity, and how it can be improved. We have seen numerous businesses grow thanks to an increase in organic traffic. The truth is, digital marketing strategies like SEO can be crucial to your small business’s success.


Good SEO vs Direct Sales: In general, small businessmen start their own outlets /shops/retail counters to sell products. This is called direct selling. On the other hand, some do their business online using online platforms such as, websites, social media, portals, etc. there are thousands of small businesses who have brought their business online. They don’t have their Shop, outlet, or office. Many of them are operating their business from home or somewhere in remote areas. But their SEO strategy is so effective that online businesses do more business than shoppers do. SEO can be cost-effective for small businesses. Nowadays, you will need 30-40 lakh rupees to buy a shop in the proper market area. But if you take some good efforts for effective and smart SEO Strategies, you will achieve huge profit and success in your business.


Conclusion. If you own a small-scale business, you must think of adopting a cost-effective SEO strategy.  SEO can help your small business find new customers and get you more targeted traffic. The benefits of SEO for small businesses can be enormous.


Do you need help? : Do you also want to optimize your website Via SEO? Do you need our help? Do you need full guidance on this? Dr. Prakash Bhosale is a reputed business consultant in India. We guarantee your full support. Take it one step further. Contact us for more information.


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