If You Make Your Business Plan Only In Excitement Then It Can Break Your Business

If You Make Your Business Plan Only In Excitement Then It Can Break Your Business

Making your business in excitement  can  break your business  don’t  be  over excited while  writing your  business  plan  many time while  you  are  not clear what  you want  from your  business  plan   and you end  up writing plan  which is not going to  benefit your business  rather it will break  your  business  below are some  points.


  • It is common for many entrepreneurs, due to excitement, to make mistakes when developing and writing a business plan and then fail to understand why potential investors reject their plans.
  • The truth is that a badly done business plan can be as harmful as the total absence of planning. It can lead to erroneous budgets that, in the long run, will pay dearly and can also undermine the credibility of the entrepreneur in the eyes of investors interested in funding the project.
  • Therefore, here we will show you the most common mistakes that you should avoid at all costs:
  • Underestimate the competition: That is, do not investigate it or analyze it in depth. You may think that your product will be attractive and innovative, and that you will easily circumvent future competition, but you must remember that as soon as your product begins to be successful and known, the competition will hear about it and will not be left with their arms. Crusaders.
  • It is then that the research and analysis that you have previously carried out on the competition will help you design Marketing strategies that allow you to face their attacks.
  • Ignore cultural factors: Many times, it happens that the entrepreneur, happy with his “ingenious” business idea, forgets to consider cultural factors. Remember that it is very important that you consider whether the socio-cultural factors of the target market may represent some type of potential risk with respect to our sales expectations.
  • Confusing a business plan with a budget: Many entrepreneurs tend to mistakenly think that a business plan equals a budget. Budgeting (especially budgets for future income and expenses) is a fundamental part of developing a business plan. However, a business plan involves much more than that. You must analyze objectives, design strategies, coordinate resources and analyze the industry, among other things.
  • Too optimistic in the projections: It is logical that the creation of a new project excites you and provokes optimistic feelings, but it is necessary that when preparing the business projections, you be as sensible and realistic as possible. Don’t exaggerate when estimating future income or sales, and don’t underestimate future expenses or costs.
  • Forget the risks: No matter how complete your business plan is, there will always be the risk that things will not happen as you have planned. So when developing the plan, you should always try to anticipate the possible details and be prepared to face those difficulties.
  • Highlight a great deal: A company may have signed an agreement with a larger organization, but overemphasis in that agreement may be perceived as weakness. If 80% of your income comes from a contract, your company can have a very bad time if the agreement falls apart. Emphasize that your company is prone to forging strategic alliances and / or winning large contracts and that you will use this ability to diversify your customer base.
  • Do not put it to the test: There are many entrepreneurs who, confident in the correct development of their plan, rush to show it to their potential investors. Here the error is in the lack of a final proof. Ideally, once the business plan is completed, you present it to a group of suitable and trustworthy people, so that they can make observations and comments that will surely constitute a very useful contribution.

Don’t get excited while writing your business  plan if you want  output  from your  business  plan  so  make  sure  that  whatever your are  writing should benefit your and  don’t  land up with  problem  in excitement and  follow the  correct steps so as  to make  sure  you get correct business  plan which  will help you and will not break your business.


CONTACT: 450, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon(E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400065


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