Prospects to Get More App Downloads

With nearly 4 million apps available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, users have plenty of options for mobile shopping, entertainment, health, productivity, finances, and other services. As more and more apps become available on the market, it’s more important than ever for small business owners and marketers to create marketing strategies specific to their mobile apps.


All it takes is a bit of traction for your app to gain visibility and for more people to find and use it. So, how can you set your app apart in an increasingly crowded marketplace?


  1. Choose a well-designed app icon

Consumers are driven by visual cues. That means your app icon should be more than an afterthought. Your app’s icon is the first thing that a potential customer sees in an app store, so make sure you invest in creating one that’s visually appealing.


  1. Prioritize app store optimization

Most marketers know about search engine optimization (SEO), but app creators who want more downloads need to get up to speed on app store optimization (ASO).The two are similar, but ASO is specifically tailored to increase the visibility of your app in the marketplace.


  1. Launch a website and blog

Effective mobile app marketing requires more than just creating a good app—you also need to make sure it’s easy to find. According to marketing expert Neil Patel, you can expand the reach of your app and better target your potential customers by linking it to a website and blog.


  1. Create a demo video

Make a simple, 30-second video that illustrates the what, how, and why of your app. Place extra emphasis on usability and the most popular features of your product. Once you’ve produced your video, share it on your website and social media channels, and don’t forget to add it to your app store listing.


  1. Measure with attribution tools and analytics

You can make the most of your marketing efforts by measuring and attributing downloads so you can learn and invest in the channels that are most effective and make the necessary adjustments to the ones not working as well.


  1.  Use mobile communication channels

Another technique you can use is connecting with your existing users directly on mobile. Whether it’s in-app messaging or push notifications, mobile-specific channels allow you to reach your users at just the right time with a targeted message.


  1. Leverage in-app tracking

With in-app tracking, you can better understand your users’ behavior and preferences. Are they uninstalling your app at a certain point? How often does the average user log in, and for how long? Are there some features that seem to get more use than others? Are there any common usability issues that you need to address?


  1. Create deep links to your app

Another way you can substantially increase the downloads of your app is to create deep links into your app that allow users to easily drop into the mobile experience.


  1.  Encourage reviews and testimonials

Once a potential user finds your app, they might need some convincing that your service is reliable and valuable enough to download. This is where reviews can be useful.


  1. Don’t forget about email marketing

While there are many ways to promote a digital product or service, email marketing remains the most efficient form of digital marketing. One recent study found that for every $1 spent, email marketing has an average return on investment of about $51.


Do you need help? Do you want to Get More App Downloads?


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450, Mastermind One – IT Park, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 400065.


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