Why Your Website Is Losing Sales—And How to Fix It

Why Your Website Is Losing Sales—And How to Fix It

There are several reasons why your website could be losing sales, from slow loading times to a buggy checkout. The biggest reasons why websites lose sales include:


Here are some of the dead giveaways that your website is part of your sales problem:


  • Abandoned carts (few or no sales)
  • Low lead generation (few or no inquiries)
  • Low session duration (people are not sticking around)
  • High bounce rates (people click off your website after visiting one page)
  • Low pages per session (people give your website a go but abandon it after 2-3 pages)


Why is website losing sales?


  1. Customer mistargeting and irrelevant content

How to solve the problem:


  • Create customer personas
  • Conduct surveys
  • Research your competitors


  1. You don’t provide all relevant product/service information


How to solve the problem:

  • Use clear and simple navigation
  • Include a top menu and footer menu
  • Use internal links in your content
  • Offer spec and product info downloads
  • Use lots of photos for products
  • Put important information at the beginning of your content
  • Use bullet points, lists, bolds, and italics to make information stand out
  • These simple tricks could improve your sales several times over.


  1. Your checkout doesn’t provide a good user experience


Your checkout process should be simple with as few steps as possible. The more steps you introduce, the more friction you create. Map out your checkout process and see how many steps there are. Can you combine any steps or remove them to make it faster? A simple solution is to use a one-page checkout. This requires no clicks because all requested information is on one page. This makes life easier.


  1. Your website is slow

Here are some actionable ways to improve load times:


  • Faster web hosting
  • Reduce page size
  • Pre-load resources
  • Compress images
  • Use a lightweight website builder


  1. There’s no easy way to contact you/you don’t make yourself available

How to solve the problem:


  • Use live chat
  • Use a chatbot
  • Use click to email
  • Use click to call
  • Use instant messaging
  • Let customers arrange a call back
  • Place contact information at the top and bottom of your website


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