How Do Government Subsidies Help a Business?

How Do Government Subsidies Help a Business?

What is a Subsidy?

A subsidy is a benefit usually given by the government to an individual, business, or institution that further sells subsidized products to people. Subsidy is a part of non-plan expenditure of the Government. It helps in keeping the prices of products and services low for people to be able to afford them and also to encourage production and consumption


Government Subsidy Programs:

Providing subsidy is an inevitable task across all the Governments. The objective of subsidies is to help people who are temporarily suffering economically. While many industries receive government subsidies, three of the biggest beneficiaries are energy, agriculture, and transportation. The types of subsidies in India Are Interest Subsidies, Fertilizer Subsidies, Cash/Credit Subsidies, Consumption Subsidies, Education Subsidies, Employment Subsides, Export/Import Subsidies, Housing Subsidies, Oil, Food & Fuel Subsidies, Procurement Subsidies, Production Subsidies, Regulatory Subsidies, Tax Subsidies, Transport Subsidies and many more.


Forms of Subsidy: A subsidy typically supports particular sectors of a nation’s economy in the forms of direct vs. indirect Subsidies generally in the form of a cash payment or a tax relaxation from the Government. There are many forms of subsidies given out by the Government e.g., tax exemptions, investment tax credits, deferred tax programmes, special income tax deductions, Investment loans on favourable terms, loan guarantees, special insurance schemes, provision of bait services, Cheap credit facilities, subsidies can be used, reduction in electricity bills, investments in research, environmental assistance, training programs, etc.


Role of feasibility report in subsidy:

A feasibility report is a document that assesses potential solutions to the business problem or opportunity, and determines which of these are viable for further analysis. A well-framed Project Feasibility Report help in government licenses, subsidies, and incentives. A feasibility report can provide possible alternative sources of funds, such as bank loans or venture capital partners.


Range of Subsidy: Government offers a range of subsidy programs in the form of Loan schemes from 2 lakhs to 5 Cr. as per the project requirement. Government also offers tax relaxation from 20% to 100% as per Government criteria.


How we can help:


Feasibility Report: We are one of the leading organizations in offering effective Feasibility report Services both for smaller businesses and medium industries. Our feasibility study is comprehensively designed to provide critical research to capitalise on the market opportunity and gain competitive advantage over others in the respective fields. Our research incorporates, current emerging industry trend, opportunities and threats as well as a thorough competitor analysis in the market.


Project setup Consulting: We are to help entrepreneurs to start, manage and grow their business at affordable price.  We are specialized in setting up your business project and Making Your Business Grow. We Provide You Quality assistance in project set up, hiring skilled and unskilled manpower, machinery purchase, plant setup, management guidance, and many more. We are among top 10 business consulting firms in India.


Project Loan: We have assisted many businessmen and companies in preparing quality and in-depth feasibility reports/Business plans and getting project finance from banks, finance firms and investors by analyzing the financial aspects of the project. We are a reliable financial partner that helps entrepreneurs in getting business loan in Mumbai that caters all your business requirements.


Subsidy: We can also help in getting Govt. subsidies for various business. If your business needs funding to grow and we can help you get Govt Approved Loan under subsidy schemes for you easily.


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