How To Brand A Small Business When I Don’t Have Money

How To Brand A Small Business When I Don’t Have Money

One of the main problems of new businesses is the launch. Those first months in which we appear in the market for the first time and our potential clients do not know us and therefore do not buy from us. The success of a business depends largely on its launch, so let’s see how to launch a brand without spending a lot of money.


  • Having a good brand is essential for your client to differentiate you from the rest of the options on the market. The brand is the representation of the positioning you chose in the Branding Strategy, so its design, its public projection and its development through Marketing and Corporate Communication are essential for business success.
  • The most important thing is to be memorable. And although the name and the design help to be memorable, what really makes us memorable is the Positioning. We receive thousands of hits every day from advertising that includes brands. Many of them have a good name and a great design, and yet we immediately forget them.
  • Positioning is critical : Positioning is a mental representation that we build as people to be able to remember the Identity and Personality of other people and brands.
  • There is a Positioning for each of us and each of the brands, but that does not mean that this Positioning is memorable. A Positioning is only memorable if it meets these 3 rules:
  • It should be clear : a confusing brand positioning, that is not well defined, that does not have attributes and values ​​that we can unequivocally identify and associate with the brand is not memorable.
  • It must be different : a brand positioning that closely resembles other positioning of other more recognized brands does not help to be memorable either. The individual tends to simplify and if he has a clear recognition of a brand in a positioning it is difficult for another subsequent brand to occupy that place.
  • It must be emotionally important : for a position to be pregnant, be recognized and remembered unequivocally, in addition to being different and clear, it must be emotionally important. The brand must contribute something to the life of the individual, complete a part of his life in some relevant way. If your brand does not connect emotionally with your customer, you will remain irrelevant to that person.
  • Therefore, you must take these issues into account when launching a brand or if you prefer when launching a business. Worry about everything we said at the beginning and, also, about your brand.
  • How to launch a brand: And now that I have made it more or less clear why you should take care of the brand when you launch your business, let’s see some things that you have to take into account to launch a brand:
  • Explain what your brand means: The first point that you must take into account to launch a brand is that it is the consequence of a series of reflections, analyzes and diagnoses that you have carried out to develop your Branding Strategy. The design of your brand is justified by a series of concepts and messages that you want to convey. Colours, typography, have a reason that you know but that is neither absolute nor mathematical.
  • The best way for your potential client to share these concepts with you is to explain what all the elements that make up your brand represent. When you explain why you have used one colour and not another, one typeface and not another, what the icon of your logo symbolizes, you determine the way in which others will see all those elements and bring their vision closer to yours.
  • Colours, fonts, symbols have the meaning we want to give them. Some respond to cultural or social conventions, but others have simply acquired a connotation in our heads by associating themselves with some ideas or others.


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