How MBA Capstone Project Creates Future Entrepreneurs.

How MBA Capstone Project Creates Future Entrepreneurs.

“Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and more self-confidence you will have.” Brian Tracy


  1. What is a capstone project: A Capstone Project is a multifaceted body of work that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students? It gives students a chance to retain whatever they have been learning during their college studies and apply it once they pursue a specific academic profession in the college. This is not just a part of the curriculum but how to use it to start your own business or industry. Typically, in an MBA program, a capstone or thesis project bridges academic study and professional practice, applying the skills gained from an MBA to real-world business management and research. MBA Thesis projects commonly take a more academic, research-based approach, while capstones focus on the practical side of the business, often requiring students to identify and solve problems at real companies. Universities like IIM, Welingkar, DGMC, NMIMS, University of California San Diego, The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public University, University of Maryland, and Vanderbilt University.


  1. Google Story: Google inc. is an ideal example of a capstone project. Larry Page and Serge brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California, started working on a project in 1996 to write a dissertation on how algorithms can work on the web. He used to do a lot of experiments while working on the project. He started a search engine called ‘Black Rub’ using the algorithm he named ‘Letter Rank’, which he proposed as one of the best systems for analysing the interactions of websites. Larry Page told a friend, Hassan, who was writing the code for his page. With the help of Hassan, Alan Sternberg, Rajiv Motwani, Terry Vinograd, the two friends defined Google’s original prototype. They registered the domain name Google on September 15, 1997. Today, Google is the No. 1 most used search engine in the world. Google is one of the four largest technology companies, along with Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple. Google has a successful journey from a university dissertation to the largest search engine. Google is the best example of how a capstone project can create a successful business venture and entrepreneurs.


  1. How entrepreneurs get created? As a common capstone project, a student might assist a small start-up operation in devising and implementing a business plan for a new service or product. The capstone might address general challenges faced by new business ventures, along with the unique issues faced by an individual start-up. Students explore the logistical, management, and personnel challenges presented by downsizing companies. An effective capstone project might focus on addressing one or several issues related to downsizing, such as fostering employee morale, restructuring human resources, or dealing with changes in budgeting. This project explores gamification strategies, such as competitions and interactive games, for increasing green and sustainability practices within organizations. The program will help students identify, recognize, manage and grow their entrepreneurial talent and take them through a progressive journey along various tracks from the Foundation of Management & Entrepreneurship Track to Entrepreneurship Intensity Track, and from Start-up Experiential Learning Track to Start-up Establishment Track. Students might research, devise, and implement gamification measures and develop systems for measuring their effectiveness. Capstone projects often focus on very specific issues facing businesses. Along with the actual work of assisting a company, capstones typically involve significant research and writing, requiring students to identify the problem at the heart of the capstone and detail their strategies for addressing it. This program actually aims at shortening or even eliminating the gestation period between degree and self-enterprise. This is a lifetime opportunity for students to transform their entrepreneurial dream into reality.


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