Generate More Leads Via Online PR

Generate More Leads Via Online PR

“The engagement and relationships happen on the web, where you can find your ideal customers on social media networks, blogs, news sites, or while they’re searching for information on the search engine”


94% of B2B buyers begin their journey online. But, how do these buyers know about your business or what it has to offer? Remember that B2B buyers exhibit a unique behaviour when they’re searching for information online. They don’t just find a product and decide to buy right away. On average, B2B buyers conduct 12 searches before engaging on a brand’s website.

This is where digital PR comes in. It’s essential for your business if you want to generate leads, create business awareness, and establish brand credibility. Without a digital PR strategy, your place in the buyer’s mind would be non-existent because it creates unforgettable business awareness which results in lead generation. The truth is that generating traction for your business can greatly improve your cash flow or sales cycle performance on the long run. Furthermore, it can also multiply engagement with your customer — whether new or old. It might interest you to know that in 2018, over 3.196 billion people were active on various social media sites.

Here’s how:

1.      Make it easy for everyone to embrace, understand and share your story

2.      Always include a call-to-action in your press release

3.      Get more media coverage by using optimized content

4.      Repurpose your media coverage

5.      Pay keen attention to SEO keywords

6.      Focus on what the customer values

Do you need help? Do you also want to have a breakthrough PR strategy? Do you need our help? You too can take a step forward.


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