Myths About Distance/Online Learning: Proved Wrong.

Myths About Distance/Online Learning: Proved Wrong.

A Myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes – James Feibleman


Many students hesitate to enrol in online and distance learning programmes. One reason for this hesitation may be from the false impression that is often given about distance learning programmes.

For one reason or another, distance learning programmes have received an unfair reputation for not offering decent degree programmes, and for not having high-quality teaching standards to help students in their career goals. Several people have fallen for myths that are spread about online and distance learning; but, through careful examination, they will discover that these myths are false.

Myth 1: Online courses have zero value on the job market

False! While it is true that there are several non-accredited online degree programmes that are not widely regarded on the job market, these are exceptions to the rule. There are plenty of distance learning programmes that have been authorized, accredited, recognized, and approved by regional and national organisations for academic and educational standards.

Distance learning programmes are highly valued on the job market, and in fact, have given students highly-skilled training in the careers of their choice.

Myth 2: Distance learning courses are stupid-simple

When students decide to join an online programme, they discover that not only are the courses as demanding and rigorous as a traditional classroom; students actually find that these courses come with a totally new set of challenges.

Myth 3: The online courses are impossibly difficult

This myth is false, and so are these assumptions. Online programmes don’t need to make their classes impossible in order for the degrees to have high academic value; they simply have to deliver the same academic standards that traditional schools, without the benefit of in-person, face-to-face lectures and discussion.

Myth 4: Professors who teach online classes are not real professors

False! Universities who offer online distance learning programmes don’t pick just anyone to lead their classes; many of the lectures and lessons are taught by world-renowned professors in their field.

Students can expect that well-established and recognized names in each field will lead these classes, with the same ability to lead and instruct students with their expertise.


Myth 5: Online degrees are only designed for business students

While it is true that MBA programmes are quite prevalent among distance learning and online programmes, they don’t cover the entire story. Rather students can expect to take classes in nearly any field of their choosing, and there are distance learning programmes in fields as diverse as psychology, social science, liberal arts, nursing, and education.


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