One Sitting MBA Degree for Corporate, Businessman and International Students

One Sitting MBA Degree for Corporate, Businessman and International Students

One Sitting MBA Degree for Corporate, Businessman and International Students


1) One Sitting MBA – One sitting MBA degree is a valid program that enables students to complete a three-year degree course in one year. Under this program, all MBA degree examinations are completed within a year. This is why the program is called Single Sitting Degree or Fast Track Degree. One must complete a valid degree to study One Sitting MBA. One seating MBA degree from any UGC accredited university is valid. A degree from a Govt accredited university is mandatory for this course. You can apply for an MBA if you are a one-seat graduate holder of an accredited university. The main objective of this initiative is for students who have talent, knowledge but do not have a valid MBA degree for promotion or completion of education, to help such students. Because of the lack of an MBA degree, these students are lagging behind their competitors despite their talents and experience. Now, these students can complete the MBA degree course in one year.


2) For whom? – Students who have stopped their studies for any reason after graduation, corporate or government employees, who have migrated due to work transfer, and who have got a job after getting admission in MBA or have got opportunity abroad, can go to a regular college and complete their MBA course. Cannot be completed. If a candidate has not completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree for any reason and is facing difficulties in getting a job for the current job or getting a promotion in their career, people whose education is interrupted for some reason can pass all MBA semester exams in one year. Or you can take all the MBA degree exams in one year through One Seating Degree and complete your MBA degree. For example, suppose you are working in a reputed MNC / corporate company or government or private sector and you need an MBA degree for promotion in your existing job or service sector then you can get one sitting MBA degree from UGC / MHRD / DEB / AICTE recognized universities. If any student has proof of a break period, these students can apply for a Fast-Track MBA degree through the One Seating Degree Program through a Govt accredited university.


3) National and International Degree Certification – Fast Track or One Seating MBA degree is valid at the national and international levels. One seating MBA degree is valid for exams like a government job, job in MNC, banks,. If you are a sitting degree holder, you can apply for the Central Public Service Commission examinations. One seating MBA degree certificate is valid in India for getting a job and promotion in both the private and government sectors. The great philosopher and researcher Albert Einstein says, “The only source of knowledge experiences” which is why the Government of India allows a one-seating MBA degree with a few years of experience in government or private work and talent.


4) What can we do? –  We assist students in a variety of ways in the One Seating or Fast Track MB degree course. We provide in-depth analysis of student needs and circumstances to select the appropriate Govt accredited university for the One Seating MBA course, provide counseling and counseling to select the right MBA specialization for students as well as assignment writing, MBA project writing, MBA project title selection, summary/project development We can help in a variety of ways such as conducting, collecting complete data, drafting, editing, modelling according to course material and creating the expected Q&A and notes, and proofreading the MBA project.



5) Our Experience: We have over 11 years of experience in education, corporate, digital marketing, and business mounting domains, also has extensive experience working with leading media companies, B2B portals, and search engines in India. We have also worked on a variety of corporate projects and industries, been working as an educational project consultant for students of many reputed universities and helped approximately 900 + students complete MBA projects and Ph.D., dissertations.


6) Do you need help? Do you also want to pursue a One Sitting MBA Degree? Do you need our help? You too can take a step forward. Contact us for more information.


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