Why Invest in Paid Search to Thrive Your Business Sales During the Crisis

Why Invest in Paid Search to Thrive Your Business Sales During the Crisis

“If content is king, then conversion is queen.” – John Munsell


Social distancing guidelines and shelter at home orders by state and local governments to slow the spread of the COVID-19 and minimize the risk of viral transmission means that millions of Americans are spending more time at home. This has led to an exponential surge in internet usage as more people work from home, find ways to entertain themselves, and connect with one another online.

However, the disruption of the steady free flow of money, people, goods, and services has had a catastrophic impact on t

he country’s economy causing great concerns for many people. We do not know for sure what the economic recovery might look like and we cannot tell for sure what will happen as time goes on.


What Is Paid Search Advertising?

Paid search advertising, commonly known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Cost Per Click (CPC) advertising, is a form of digital advertising whereby search engines like Google, Bing, and yahoo allow marketers to place Ads on a prominent position in the search engine result page or other advertising platforms. Here are some of the benefits of investing in paid search advertising to thrive in your business sales during the current health crisis

  • PPC Helps You to Generate More Qualified Web Traffic

Qualified traffic refers to web visitors that are genuinely interested in your products & services and are most likely to convert to customers or leads after their interaction with your online business. The power of Paid search advertisements is that it allows you to strategically target and display ads to consumers who are most likely to be interested in your business offerings.

  • Paid Search Advertising Provides Instantaneous Results

Marketing your business through organic channels takes time. There is always a wait-period. For instance, though matter how you optimize your website for search engines, you will not start to see results immediately. It is a long-term process.  On the other hand, the speed of results for building your business using paid channels is almost instantaneous. There is no waiting time for your efforts and ad spend to start paying off or yielding results. In short, you can start to generate new leads and business requests using paid ad channels within a couple of hours after the launch of your campaign. During this crisis, your focus will be on trying to stay afloat.

  • Paid Search Advertising Is Budget-Friendly

A lot of marketers think that since paid search is on a pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression (PPM) basis they need a lot of money for their campaigns. But, in practice, paid search advertising can still be run even on a low or modest Ad budget. A 2020 pay per click statistics has shown that businesses make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend in Google Ads. It may not be free, but it is still a cost-effective way to instantly serve Ads to high-value prospects, attract qualified traffic, improve conversion rates, and generate sales for your business. This makes it an ideal marketing method for small businesses that are on a tight or limited budget to still participate & enjoy the benefits.

  • Paid Search Advertising provides measurable results

The various channels for paid search advertising typically provide marketers with relevant metrics and analytics on the performance of their paid ad campaigns. As a marketer, you can track and analyze several key performance indicators (KPIs) such as clicks, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per conversion/acquisition (CPA), conversion rate, impression share and lots more.

Measuring and gauging the results of each key performance indicator (KPI) prevents you from investing your time, efforts, and resources blindly. The measurable results of paid search Ads give you an insight into what’s working and what’s not. This allows for quick modifications or adjustments to prevent wasteful ad spend and better optimization of your ad campaign.


  • Paid Search Advertising Helps to Improve Brand Recognition

Paid search advertising can be an effective channel to generate brand awareness and increase brand affinity. Other than driving sales, the goal of your paid advertising campaigns can also be for brand awareness purposes or increasing visibility instantly. Of course, to achieve this feat you need to determine your target audience and the various channels where they are most likely to be found, to determine your brand awareness campaign strategy.

  • Paid Search Advertising is incredible for local search

According to a recent Google study, four in five consumers use search engines to find local information about businesses and want Ads customized to their city, zip code, or immediate surroundings. This means that a clear majority of consumers are increasingly using local search to find businesses that are near them. That is why focusing on location-based advertisement is of utmost importance especially if your business has brick & mortar stores or specifically serves consumers that are within your locale.


  • Do you need help?

Do you also want to thrive your business sales during the crisis via Paid Search? Do you need our help? You too can take a step forward.


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