What Is Passive Income & Why Is It Important?

What Is Passive Income & Why Is It Important?

1) What is passive income?: Passive income is generally defined as the flow of income earned with less effort or more effort. Passive income is any income that you can earn without much effort or time. Hence it is also called passive income. Active income is income earned by being active, especially a regular job or an additional part-time job or business income. Man spends his time and a lot of energy to earn active income. These are its main sources of income, a direct exchange of time and skills for your money. Passive income includes the income derived from rental assets, limited partnerships, or any other industry in which you are not directly involved. Usually, passive income is taxable. Generally, real estate, peer-to-peer lending, dividend stocks, and index funds are considered to be the four main sources of passive income. Passive income is the extra income for which you get regular without extra effort. Weekend Homes, book royalties, stock photography royalties are also great ways to earn a passive income. This leads to more financial well-being. Well-known American entrepreneur, investor Warren Buffett says, “Even in sleep you must find a way to make money, otherwise you will work until you die.”


2) One thing: To have financial well-being in life, you should have at least one passive income option or create it. Only then can your life become comfortable. Passive income will make you look higher than others. Once upon a time, an eagle was sitting comfortably on the highest branch of a tall tree. He was sitting on an eagle tree doing nothing. A rabbit was going under that tree. He saw the eagle sitting comfortably. He asked the eagle, “Should I sit comfortably under this tree too?” The eagle said, “Yes, of course!” The rabbit was leaving his work and resting comfortably on the ground. Just then a fox appeared. He looked at the rabbit. He immediately grabbed the rabbit and ate it.


This story teaches a management lesson. If you want to live a comfortable life, if you want to make money by sitting comfortably, then you have to go to a higher position or height. Friends, by earning a passive income, you too can earn yourself prestige and respect.


3) Why is passive income important? Money and time are closely related. Some even say time is money. Time is the most precious thing. Not everyone has plenty of time. So we spend a lot of time making money in any way. Gone money can be earned again but last time does not come again. So time is more important than money. Passive income is just as important as time. Money is a very important tool in bringing good days and good times in life. If you have a passive source of income, you can become richer and richer. Passive income sources have the potential to make more money without spending more time and energy. Create a source of passive income. You will earn money even in sleep. You will get an automatic income without any extra effort.


However, creating a source of passive income is not easy. Initially, you have to spend your time and time. Still, this is the most profitable investment, in which you can invest your money fearlessly.


4) Do we need help? : Do you think you should have a source of passive income too? Do you also want additional income-generating options? Business Coach Prof. Prakash Bhosale will help and guide you. Step forward. Contact us for more information. Call the following number or WhatsApp and make an appointment.


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